
BUILT: 1903
PREVIOUS/LATER NAMES: a. Florence K, b. Gloria, c. Beeline
L/B/D: 97 x 26 x 8 PASSENGERS/AUTOS: 174/18
HISTORY: Operated by Tacoma Ferry Company and Crosby Direct Line Ferries; renamed Beeline after the steamer was converted to a ferry in 1926. She became part of the Black Ball
fleet in 1926 and worked a number of routes, including Mukilteo-Clinton and Port Townsend-Keystone. The Beeline was taken out of service in 1939 and was still listed as an asset of Black
Ball as late as 1941. After 1942, the ferry disappears from the U.S. Merchant ship list.
NAME TRANSLATION: The “B” in the Crosby Direct Ferry Lines fleet
FINAL DISPOSITION: Abandoned/scrapped 1941.