
Oh, where does one start… How about the Wenatchee conversion fiasco? Yes, fiasco, because the 8-9 month project will take 22 by the time it is over with, and when it comes back into service, there won’t be anything to plug it into, anyway. Oh, and did I mention it Read more…

August Updates

We have a final design! This is how the new as-yet-unnamed class of ferries will look. And again, please no “Electric Olympics” or something lame like that. They different enough from the Olympics (which, I’m sorry, for me when I hear “Olympic Class” I’m always going to think of the Read more…


To diesel or not to diesel… That is the question. While the Seattle Times editorial board and even several of the candidates for governor are calling for at least two diesel Olympic Class ferries to be built while we wait for the first hybrid electric ferries to appear, there’s a Read more…


OUCH! So, that’s what it looks like when a propeller blade snaps off. WSF posted this photo back on 28 September when the Walla Walla was moved into drydock. “Throwing a blade” was not all that uncommon back in the day, but that was with propellers where the blades were Read more…

Not that shocked

The bids came in for the conversion of the Jumbo Mark II’s, and not surprisingly, they’re above what the state expected to spend. Like 25% more. This isn’t surprising giving the state’s predilection for low-balling constructions costs on, well, everything and the fact that costs on materials, etc have greatly Read more…

Summer is Upon Us

Disappointing, but not surprising… WSF is not going to be able to restore service on the Vashon Island or Bremerton routes this year as planned. While hiring is up, retirements are as well. This problem is not unique to Washington State Ferries or even Washington State. B.C. Ferries continues to Read more…