New Year…I think.

Published by Chinooksteve on

The Wenatchee, back in service. Courtesy of WSDOT.

Well, here we are in 2022, which is looking suspiciously like 2021.

Just when we seemed to be getting a handle on the latest covid variant, along comes omicron. It’s that maybe we’re on the downside of that now, but…you never know when the next mutation will come along.

On the plus side of things, after spending much time sidelined after the engine room fire, the Wenatchee returned to service on the Seattle-Bainbridge route. Now, unfortunately, due to the aforementioned omicron variant, two-boat service on the run (and Kingston and Mukilteo) has been spotty.

WSF has been trying to maintain at least one boat service on these runs and doing a pretty good job of that, but it has been tough as breakthrough cases continue to hit the system.

Meanwhile in Canada….

BC Ferries warns of ongoing COVID-19 related staff shortages is what the headline says, and it has been happening with increasing frequency for the quasi-private company. While not as bad as the situation with WSF, it is another illustration of the fact that there is a shortage of maritime workers.

Perhaps the maddening thing about it was that we’ve been warned about it for the past 15 years at least, about the coming “gray wave” or retirements as baby boomers aged out of the workforce…yet nothing was done.

Not a ghost…

But things did go bump in the night up in Alaska . In this case, it was two ferries.

Courtesy AMH.

Et tu, Christine Anderson?

It’s happening to county operations as well, as the headline says: COVID-Driven Staff Shortage To Limit Pierce County Ferry Sailings

Hey, who’s that in the San Juan Islands? The Issaquah made a rare appearance in the islands in January, filling in for the Chelan.


Poor Chetzemoka! Thankfully, no one was hurt.

Meanwhile if you want to buy a ferry, there’s two for sale…

The Point Ruston, aka Steilacoom, aka Aquidneck…
…and a hundred years later, things look much the same here.
Categories: Uncategorized


Mark Stearns · January 28, 2022 at 5:20 pm

Outstanding update. Thank you Steve.

    Mark Stearns · January 28, 2022 at 5:24 pm

    I haven’t seen an update about the Wenatchee’s motor. Did she get the new electric motor?

      Chinooksteve · January 30, 2022 at 12:06 pm

      Not yet. As far as I know, they’re still doing designs for the conversion project. Everything got delayed because of COVID.

Jason Leander · January 30, 2022 at 6:36 am

I saw the Issaquah as well. I noticed the exhaust stacks were a little long when I drove up and that’s when I saw the name plate. Currently, it’s nice to see the last 2 remaining Supers paired up again up here. I wonder if they will be paired up during the summer run if we can ever get thru Covid and return to GASP…..a normal schedule again.

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